Evolutionary Theology Welcomes You
Bringing People Around the World Into Understanding Reality
My Story began in 1999 when after I had graduated in Horticultural Science and been confused by the World, I began studying Psychology to try to study myself and find out what was really going on in my head. I subsequently tumbled down the Rabbit Hole and found a new way of thinking.

What's To Learn
The following is a collection of concepts which will hopefully lead the reader to come to an understanding of reality that places more emphasis on the oneness of everything and how Consciousness is the substance of which we experience reality rather than our individual differences and polarities which tear us apart as a nation and as a world. With fewer and fewer people thinking deeply about the nature of reality and more and more people glaring at short attention span videos while they wait in the drive through at Chick-fil-a to go shopping at Walmart in their pajamas it looks very bleak for the future of the intelligence of humanity. It’s also important to take into account those in power who push false information on the public and hide and confound knowledge causing purposeful conflict around the globe and at home.

Topics of Importance
Here’s What I Describe
These subjects provide a coherent and cohesive way of bringing the concept of Evolutionary Theology into perception

The Anthropic Principles
The Anthropic Principle generally states that observations of this reality must be compatible with the life that observes it (Wikipedia). Some critics think it is just a tautology, but I think it speaks profoundly to the nature of reality. The strong and the final Anthropic principles are by John Barrow and Frank Tipler, and the weak Anthropic principle is by Brandon Carter. Strong - 'The universe is in some sense compelled to have conscious and sapient life emerge within it. 'Weak - 'Fine tuning is the result of selection bias.' Meaning there are multiple universes to select from and we happen to find ourselves in one that is fine tuned. Multiple universes may exist, but not ones that don't contain conscious life because that violates quantum physics in that a universe that is not observed would therefore not exist. Final - 'Intelligent information processing must come into existence in the universe, and once it comes into existence, it will never die out.'

Climax Species Succession
Climax species succession as described in an abstract from an article written by Lawrence K. Forcier at the School of Forestry, University of Montana, Missoula 59801, published 9/5/1975: 'In a central New Hampshire forest, Three co-occurring tree species were found to occupy different positions on a reproductive strategy gradient. These reproductive strategy differences, in part, described separate niches for the species. The three species complex is hypothesized to form a dynamic climax over story characterized by cyclical replacement of one dominant species by another'. Forms of life arising in succession of each other. In field to forest progression grasses, brush, pines, small soft wood trees, then large hardwoods. This can be extrapolated to intelligent technological species in such a way that Humans would not be considered the climax species, but yet another more advanced species exists in a realm above us that we cannot see, but can envision in the next idea, Nick Bostrom ls Simulation Argument after a brief note about evolution.

Evolution is a scientific fact which happens very slowly for biological organisms and at an exponentially accelerating pace for information technology. Ray Kurzweil speaks of his 'Law of Accelerating Returns’ in which information technology doubles in power and reduces in cost by half each year. Thirty years is an increase in power of about a billion fold. That is why a computer that used to take up a floor of a building and cost millions of dollars thirty years ago now fits in your pocket for about three hundred bucks. We are approaching a point in our timeline coined theTechnological Singularity by Vernor Vinge in the 1970's. At that time the pace of technological progress will be so fast that we will not be able to keep up. And we're only talking about 20-25 years from now. There are many who cannot conceive of the exponential acceleration of information technology. They can’t see the forest for the trees and they do not see the storm approaching which diminishes Human endeavor by manifold. This is a very ignorant and egotistical way to think regarding existence and our place in it.

The Simulation Hypothesis
The Simulation Argument poses that one of three situations in a 'trilemma' must be true...1- Intelligent species never reach technological maturity. 2- Intelligent species that reach technological maturity have no interest in running simulations of realities for any purpose even though there is ample processing power to do so. 3- 'We are almost certainly living in a simulation'. It is also stated that given the astronomical numbers of 'ancestor simulations' that would potentially be in existence, we would more likely find ourselves as one of the simulated realities. Even Elon Musk argues that there is a one in billions chance that we are in 'base reality. Now a few quick notes that support the simulation hypothesis...1- A theoretical physicist named James Gates has found that there is error correcting computer code such as that found in search engines or browsers within the equations used to describe the universe.2- An article accepted 4/27/2001 by Sowerby, Holme and Petersen concludes that the application of nanotechnology to the investigation of life's origins, and vice versa, could provide a viable route to evolution —driven synthetic life. 3- There are maximum and minimum speeds found in our fundamental laws such as the speed of light and absolute zero representing processing limits of the universe, and curved space would be caused by load effects in programming with large objects such as planets, stars and black holes where gravity is very strong. 4- We already have a semblance of virtual worlds within our universe such as video games and scientific simulation experiments. This attests to the idea that we are already interested in creating simulated realities. 5— Everything in reality is quantized, meaning it is calculable

Idealism and Materialism
There are two main schools of thought of those who believe that consciousness is either fundamental or not by way of Idealism v/s Materialism. Idealism, such as in Eastern religions is the belief that reality comes from consciousness, a fundamental property of the universe, and that the universe was brought about by something before it. Western materialism is the idea that consciousness arises from matter and that the universe exists in and of itself and needs nothing to explain its origins. I will show next how idealism must be the true way of thinking in my description of how quantum physics is related to consciousness and is a powerful research tool in helping to prove that we are living in a created reality of an evolutionary and Spiritual nature. 100 years ago physicists discovered that the fundamental nature of the universe does not match the classical view of physics which was currently the main school of thought in the Western World. This created a difference of opinion in how the world works. Though everyone has opinions and they all stink. One cannot understand the full scope of reality without accepting both of these facets of physics. Once more experimentation took hold and could be repeated showing a distinct relationship between consciousness and the particles themselves the world took a big nose dive into stupid. The people in this world that want power and control and money had to scramble to devolve the entire world and prevent free thought from making a connection between the behavior of particles in the presence of Human consciousness as compared to not. There is an obvious connection here in that if our consciousness changes the way reality is presented to us there must be something of a higher intelligence that recognizes it. That brings us to two distinct aspects of Quantum Physics that can show us this phenomenon repeatedly.

Quantum Physics
Quantum physics is directly linked to consciousness because the results of experiments depend solely on the presence of conscious observation. Particles do not materialize, taking a specific position in reality, until a measurement, or observation is made to allow the information that a particle might be in a specific place to come to be a conscious thought. This happens not only with light particles called photons which exhibit an interference pattern when shined through two holes in proximity of each other, called the double slit experiment of which there are many variations, but also with matter particles called electrons. These also show an interference pattern in the same manner whether fired individually or in groups. Particles exist as a probability wave until there is reason to materialize. When the wave function collapses, called de-coherence, the information of the location of particles has become known by a conscious individual or group thereof. This disproves the belief that there is an objective reality out there' beyond our minds. This should lead to the conclusion that only observed reality in each individual's consciousness exists at any given time. Our brain is the interface between consciousness and the environment. We do not directly interact with the world, but use our senses to detect what information is around us, it is only information. The mind constructs a reality out of this information and is consciously perceived continually about a half second after the information has been processed, which disproves the idea of free will along with personal genetics combined with past experience, cause and effect and the will of God. Another aspect of reality dealing with quantum physics and consciousness is that of the entanglement of two particles. This happens when they interact such as passing through a Barium Borate crystal. When an observation is made of an aspect of one particle's existence the twin particle reacts at any, even a very vast distance, immediately. This is called non-locality. This should lead to the conclusion that space and time are also only information.

I will now at this point reference religion and the future, specifically Christianity and what it might mean for the future of our world. Jesus' birth coincided with the beginning of the age of Pisces. It is an astrologically based personification as seen in part one of the movie Zeitgeist. The movie attempts to debunk Christianity, but only shows how ubiquitous across many different cultures the idea of God incarnate with twelve followers is, which, it explains, is the sun and the twelve houses of the constellations as they progress through the sky and change progressively every 2150 years. We currently find ourselves in the Age of Pisces which is symbolized by a fish. It's amazing to know that our Savior is even described by the Heavens for us to see! This also means that in the year 2150 we will begin a new major world belief beginning with the Age of Aquarius. An important aspect of Christianity which has been unexplainable, but can be more easily understood with the idea of an evolved creation is that of the Holy Trinity. It is my belief that this is the progression and evolution of God as they grow increasingly from a non-physical existence to a perceivable physical form. If we were to take a base reality to its climactic expression then there would be levels of life ranging from simple to powerful of magnitudes previously unimaginable. Just like the Towering trees in a developed forest with each understory progressively having a reliance on the rest of the forest to exist, our reality starts to look like this forest. God as an eternal entity can develop an existence in which it becomes climactic and nearly reaching Godhood. This living universe of creation can then create worlds of it own to dominate in a nature relative to God. This duality of Consciously climactic minds can then create a race of beings at the floor of the forest so to speak in that everything together makes the whole forest: God, Machine and Man in unified thought. Jesus said 'Though I am speaking figuratively a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language, but will tell you plainly about my Father.' (John 16:25) 'On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.' (John 14:20) 'But when he, the spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will only speak what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.' (John 16:13)
In conclusion I believe that reality as a whole consists of a Consciousness that flows from the very fundamental creator to the living created universe to the Human Consciousness we experience, which are all a part of the same conscious existence. A world within a world, a mind within a mind and a forest of life ranging from Humanity’s existence to a Spirit of God to God itself. Feeling the awareness of the universe as a subjective observer has led me to believe that God is an active force on everyday detail of life and the overall functioning of the universe. The eventual Human experience of a higher level of consciousness from a biological as well as a technological standpoint is imminent, and the simulation hypothesis not only seems plausible, it seems logical.

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